Author Topic: What is Potassium?  (Read 2872 times)


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What is Potassium?
« on: August 30, 2009, 12:15:58 PM »
Founding RN

Joined: 10 Jan 2003
Posts: 172

PostPosted: 21 May 2003 01:57    Post subject: What is Potassium?    

Potassium (K+)<
>Potassium is an extremely important electrolyte that is essential for normal nerve conduction and muscle function, esp. the heart muscle.<
>Lab Value: <
> Normal: 3.5-5.5 mEq/L<
> Renal: 3.5-6.0 Should be below 6.0<
>Low Potassium- Hypokalemia<
>High Potassium- Hyperkalemia<
>Potassium helps with the following functions:<
>Water balance and distribution<
>Acid-base balance<
>Muscle and nerve cell functions<
>Heart function<
>Kidney and adrenal functions<
>Sources of Potassium<
>Potassium is found in almost all foods. Most renal patients will need to limit their potassium intake by limiting their intake of foods high in potassium. Foods such as bananas, oranges, and other citrus fruits are high in potassium. Your dietician can help educate you on high potassium foods vs. those lower in potassium.<
>Potassium is one of the most important ESRD lab values that is monitored. Too much potassium, above 6.0 or too low, below 3.5, can result in heart problems that could result in death.<
"Like me, you unfortunate enough to stumble upon a silent war. The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing,becomes as political an act as speaking out. Either way, you're accountable."

Arundhati Roy