Author Topic: Patient passed in Texarkana  (Read 1794 times)


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Patient passed in Texarkana
« on: September 30, 2009, 07:11:45 PM »

Joined: 26 Jan 2003
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 Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:15 pm    Post subject: Patient passed in Texarkana   

Our patient in Texas passed during a procedure. We had major issues obtaining her medical records and advocacy ignored for several months.In what appeared as a reluctance to have anyone ask for records or advocate. It took months to resolve this with no response,and then promises not kept. This is the hardest advocacy to date.<
>This is the same case that the (executive director) of the Texas NETWORK,needed to know what the legalities of an advocate was. Even though the ESRD Regulations were in force for over 30 years. In my opinion this allowed the physician and the clinic more stalling time. Did she help this patient? Did the patient receive help-no!Just one more case of the NETWORK not helping the patient,but appears protecting the clinic was what this was about. <
>The first time we went to the NETWORK the physician was told that he had to honor the advocacy and to put things in writing would be a suggestion,and they closed the case. But the clinic never answered.Contacted them again,then the executive director knowing that this was going on for months all of a sudden as did La. ESRD Network and then needed to get a definition of what an advocate was. This little interpretation I feel was a mere stalling tactics that has caused harm. It appears that I am still waiting 5 months now for Louisianna's interpretation. They never got back to us. <
>As of yesterday the clinic and administrators had not even started on the medical records,not receiving the copy of the statement she signed numerous times, they said,even after the CEO had one hand delivered weeks ago,after we stated that we were told she received one and were expecting the records. Guess what. Never sent the records. I finally had to fax them a copy of mine. Of course that is after talking to the journalist and National Action Network,they were to be mailed off on Thursday. We will see if they have indeed done this or had no intentions of sending them.<
>The journalist called the CEO and told him that has been monitoring this case.<
>We had contacted the hospital and Kathy wanted to have a second opinion.So we were in the process of seeing if she could be transferred to another hospital for another opinion. She died on the operating table putting in a perma cath.<
>This case has been documented and followed by many. It has gone to the Senate Committee on Aging,top HCFA Officials,CEO of the owner of the dialysis company,National Action Network and hospital administrator,and journalist.<
>Not knowing if the outcome would of been different,but I can say this patient's rights were violated and the safety net for patients wasnt honored.All I can say is that this is criminal and the fact that this patient was denied a voice of advocacy is sad. It appears that hopefully now the NETWORK will know what an advocate is,so in the future another patient does not have to fall through the cracks. The lack of oversight and rights have failed Kathy A Lewis a daughter,mother,friend,student and a fine human being.She had only a short time to finish her degree in Social Work. She will not be forgotten and we will help her family,as we werent allowed to help her with all the roadblocks we had to hurtle.Her primary physicians was hostile to appropriate intervention and advocacy. <
>My personal regards to her family.It truly
oke my heart.<

Legal Eagle

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 Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 6:57 am    Post subject: Texarkana, TX&AR patient   

My sincere condolences to the patient's family. Arlene; this needs to be
ought to the attention of this organizations legal department. Does the term "Breach of Administrative Duty" mean anything to the people that are supposed to be running this clinic?? We cannot just sit back and let these people slide by because the patient passed away. Depending which side of Texarkana this clinic is on, may depend on state reg's on how things proceed (Texas or Arkansas). This whole thing about "I don't know who or what an advocacy is" was nothing more than a stalling tatic. Clinics, Nephrologist, Networks need to start being accountable for their mistakes (this may have been another medical mistake that cost a family their loved one, but as the story came down, it appeared to be an act of aggression towards the patient for notifying someone to advocate for her). How do these people sleep at night??? I guess on a pile of money! 

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Posts: 12

 Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 7:57 am    Post subject: We have all ends tied up.   

We have this totally documented with a paper trail that will be hard to squeeze out of. We have registered letters to the CEO Mr. Tom Simmons of Collum and Carney Clinic as with the Nephrologists. The Clinic is Texarkana Regional Dialysis Center. The clinics never to date have honored the advocacy,and the record releases until Tues,after talking to a reporter,well that speaks volumes in itself.I personally was told by Mr. Simmons that I didnt know who I was dealing with. We clearly know who we are dealing with.They threaten to sue me for slander? Well guys go for it,you will be plenty busy and we have supplied the family with the documents. I will say it again Mr. Simmons I do know who we are dealing with.<
>I cant release to much of the information as it will be most likely a lawsuit. We have the hospital that did honor the advocacy and a physician and clinic that felt they evidently felt they were above the law. I can assure you the family is on firm ground.<
>This particular case we have had many overseeing this case. We have gone up to the Senate Committee on Aging,journalist called and was monitoring,as was Rev Al Sharptons group,Network and HCFA Officials on this case.<
>I have said all along that it appears that stalling with the Network and the physican cost Kathy dearly. <
>The family is having an autopsy done outside the hospital. It appears that this will not
ing Kathy back,only we felt that we needed to
ing all the parties above into the case to accountability. This family is on firm legal ground and will be furnished with an attorney.<
>My sorrow that Kathy's life is lost,I can only promise that we will help her family
ing this to accountability. <


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 Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:36 am    Post subject: my heart goes   

out to Kathy's family. This is just one more case where the "industry" only values their own life and pocketbook, instead of those that they are suppose to be helping. Please relay our sympathy to them 

Joined: 29 Oct 2002
Posts: 137

 Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 9:31 pm    Post subject: Another life lost   

It is so sad that another life has been lost due to this corrupt system. My condolences go out to the family. Please know there are people who care and wish we could of stopped this from happening to your loved one. We will carry on the fight in her name. 
Sick of it

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 Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 11:18 am    Post subject: Our Prayers   

Our Prayers and condolences go out to the family for their loss. All of us feel so much grief and frustration over her death. It deeply saddens us that we could not help her more. <
>We are fighting this battel a few steps at a time. Soon it will come to the forefront of public awareness and those who perpetuate death skills, instead of health, for money in Dialysis will be revealed and
oken. <
>Her family may be assured that her death has galvanized us even more to fight harder and longer for our
others and sisters on dialysis.

>Kathy and many others will not be forgotten and those that have denied them help or watched while others did nothing, will be uncovered. These people will face public scrutiny, shame, and punishment.<
>My mind and heart will be with the family this weekend as they deal with the aftermath of the loss of Kathy. Peace be with you.<

DaVita Lawsuit

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Posts: 1

 Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 7:25 am    Post subject: Other Texas lawsuit!   

Our other lawsuit in Texas is now in the Deposition stages. This is another case in Texas that we have been involved with.This family decided to go forward as it would help others in the long run. <
>This one is against DaVita. 
Good Work

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 Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:21 am    Post subject: Lawsuits   

I am glad lawsuits are going forward. I think in do time when the industry finds out it can be held accountable and people are willing to run the gauntlet to make them accountable we will all see them backing down and taking patients complaints a lot more serious. I hope to see some of these lawsuits written in the papers etc. so all across the U.S. centers will start to take notice not to mention a few government representatives who choose to believe everything is OK and better standards aren't required and the current industry is just fine. Hopefully they will also realize the so called Networks which are paid to address the issues of accountability and standards just aren't doing their job. Hat's off to the attorneys working with DE. 

Joined: 26 Jan 2003
Posts: 45

 Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 3:11 am    Post subject: Lawsuits   

Lawsuits must go forward. This is the only language corporate dialysis world understands and that is to dip into the purse and take out what is justified for injury or death. Kudos to every patient and attorney willing to speak up. The reason we do not hear about these problems is that corporate dialysis insist on confidentiality agreements between parties when settled if settled at all. Normally the corporation denies any and all wrong doing. Greedy bastards. 
Site Admin

Joined: 02 Feb 2003
Posts: 49

 Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 5:53 am    Post subject: Document,document and then document!   

The one in Texas that is in the deposition stages are going to go public. But we have to wait until after the depositions and the journalist will be on the plane,hitting two birds with one stone <
>We are still trying to get the Medical records from the hospital on Kathy's families behalf. The clinic sent them to us a day before she passed.This lawsuit,it appears will go after the Drs and the clinic. I am sure they are eating their words now.We knew who we were dealing with,they evidently didnt. But be assured they do now,and we have a great paper trail on them for Kathy's family. I am sure they wish they had Kathy back.<
>This isnt the first time with Collum and Carney Clinic *badword*. (owners) that we have dealt with. The dialysis clinics name is Texarkana Regional Dialysis Center.<
>The hospital that Kathy was in,had the courtesy to call and tell us that she had passed.Kathy was waiting to get transferred to another hospital for a second opinion when she died.<
>I cannot stress enough to patients and family members,you need to journal. If it isnt written it didnt happen.Dates,times and names! Lots of times the paperwork is sanitized. It just takes one lawsuit to
ing those into accountability. We have been blessed with status A attorney's that are beyond my budget. Thank you for helping us out. Hopefully the day will come that some of these companies will do whats right for the patients as the liability will be costly not to! We are forging forward daily. This site is more than a discussion board as many are working behind the scenes to advocate for their fellow patient and family members who want to see changes in this industry.<
>It takes a
ave patient to stand up to the wind. So,we will do what we can to even out the playing field. We didnt get to Kathy in time,but her family will see the day of accountability.<
"Like me, you unfortunate enough to stumble upon a silent war. The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing,becomes as political an act as speaking out. Either way, you're accountable."

Arundhati Roy