Author Topic: NEGOTIATING WITH AIR AMERICA (part b)  (Read 2995 times)


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« on: August 31, 2009, 06:13:20 PM »

 Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 10:19 pm    Post subject: Air America  

Air America sounds like they aren't doing too bad from this article: But anyway who cares if they are left, right, up, or down! Arlene and DE have tried to work with the powers that be - with little return. This is a chance to get in front of a nation-wide audience - I say take it! I'm sure they are fair and balanced here, if Rush Limbaugh called he wouldn't be turned away.

As for not having any power, I do recall reading a lot of people thought the conservative movement was dead when Johnson crushed Goldwater back in the '60s in the race for president - apparently they were wrong then.

 Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:11 am    Post subject: private property?  

This is private property that is taking or stealing from the government you fool. And not giving the patient an equal say in their treatments, wake up and smell the bleep!

 Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:40 am    Post subject: link  

Hmm, it looks like that link I posted isn't working, so here are a couple of quotes from that article I mentioned:

"Air America trails conservatives, but market's growing

Duluth, MN, News Tribune ^ | Thu, Dec. 08, 2005 | staff

Posted on 12/08/2005 9:53:02 AM PST by rface

Maryland-based Talkers Magazine figures that Limbaugh reached an average of 13.75 million people each day in fall 2005; Franken only 1.25 million.......
Industry followers say Air America still trails conservative programming - including Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly - in nearly all major markets. But they also note that Air America could slowly build its base.
In New York City, Air America has increased its share of core listeners - young and middle-aged men - by 40 percent. And the network has doubled its number of affiliates since February. They are now on the air in 86 markets nationally, spokesman Jaime Horn said.
"I think we're doing better than people thought. We're on the air over two-thirds of the country," Franken noted.
Maryland-based Talkers Magazine, which follows the talk radio industry, figures that Limbaugh reached an average of 13.75 million people each day in fall 2005; Franken only 1.25 million. The two are on the air at nearly the same time in most markets."

"?Liberal talk radio shouldn't be too hard a sell in a town that backed John Kerry for president with more than 67 percent of its votes in 2004.
"We think he's (Franken) connecting here," Anderson said. "It's been well received, including by a lot of advertisers that normally wouldn't be (advertising) on commercial radio."
Lynne Maine of Duluth attended Wednesday's show at UMD because she likes Franken's comedy and politics. She's not necessarily a fan of political talk radio.
"I listen to him every day. But I don't listen to the station all day," she said. "All that bashing from the left is almost as bad as listening to the bashing from the right."
Red Rock will find out after the February Arbitron radio ratings are released whether Franken and his Air America cohorts are drawing an audience here. But Wednesday's UMD show might be an indicator.
"We were out of tickets, all 600 or 700 of them, in less than 45 minutes," Anderson said. "So a few people like Al Franken in Duluth."?

 Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:34 am    Post subject: Sounds like a nerve was hit  

Air America has an audience that is open and alot of individuals that if reached will be outraged. The patients have been fearful, now it appears that the playing field will be level.
It will lead to other shows I am sure. Congradulations and I will be there listening and rooting you on.
About time to get off the horse, the government should be ashamed and will! :D
Back to top    

 Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:04 pm    Post subject: Reposted  

I make no excuses and have the highest regards for Air America. They touch on subjects that the government would not change with full knowledge and many.......Federal investigations. So does one keep waiting for changes that are not even meant to be effective? Not me anymore. I think that much time was wasted in thinking that the legislators were going to do the right thing. They feel that they do not have to change...! But it will. They have not,nor will not do it voluntarily. It will have to take a different venue. They need to be imbarrassed as does many others. One that tried to threaten our new webmaster to not take our site on. The government officals that promised and appears that many should be embarrassed. This is only the first of you dont approve of Air America, hopefully you will approve of the others. smile!

Yes, considering this board and who runs it you are not suprised. That I thank you for as I consider that a complement. But, your opinion is not of value to me. I will continue on the path that will be effective. Our CMS and Networks and government have done nothing ,and think that status quo will continue. It may, but the more opportunities I have they will be used.

Everything we have stated and warned others has happened. So, I will do as I please to get the story out...your opinion or the industry will not sway me in the slightest. One may not like what I am saying, but maybe it will make you think if your money doesnt come from "cash cows". Being liked was never important to me. I know I am effective by those that are more than afraid that it may change. I guess it depends on what side of the chair your on.

This is only the first step, many others to follow....

 Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:26 pm    Post subject: No problem  

It's a free country. No one is telling you what you can and cannot do. You are completely free to beat a horse (Air America) that won't run. Your hard-core rhetoric is silly. Dialysis is essentially a free government entitlement program which, all things considered, runs pretty well. Your horror stories about psychos being dismissed left and right are exaggerated and if truth be told, not near enough disruptive patients are dismissed from units. One or two people are often free to terrorize all the other patients and staff and management is lacks the balls to do anything but coddle these people.
Knock yourself out.
Hemo Staffer

 Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:51 pm    Post subject: I agree  

I have watched this site for a couple of years and all I see is talk but no action. The dialysis industry is a business, yes. However, good patient care is part of it. If patients aren't cared for properly they will die. If they die our revenue is down the drain. It is in our best interest to keep you alive for a long, long time. I think if you drum up too much interest everyone will figure out just how much this country spends on ESRD care and changes will occur but not the kind you are looking for. Most patients are very disinterested in their care or if it is any good or not. They just want treatment started on time, a warm room, and a tv speaker that works. That is it.

 Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:38 pm    Post subject:    

Your points regarding what

 the patient wants are correct. These so-called "activists" always need controversy where none exists in order to make life worth living. The anti-industry tone of this site has essentially killed it. It was a lively worthwhile place until those with differing opinions decided it was no longer fun or interesting to bang their heads against the wall here. Many of the dissatisfied patients have died and they and their family member are no longer here. Arlene beats a solo drum. If they want a better system than the free one we have, perhaps they should ante up a little more and get what they pay for.
sister dear

 Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:16 pm    Post subject:    

you can always tell when you hit the nerve of some, sister dear.... they try to start an argument every time,,,, but we have been there done that before with them , ... Most of the patients that did speak up and put their butts on the line are no longer with us and it isn't because they stopped talking or decided to stop trying..their in a better place.., Others are a bit hesitant to take on the industry because they are in fear of what might be done to them and know for a &_*_ fact that all the promises made to the prior patients by our lovely government isn't worth nothing, typical campaign dog and pony show during their election years.....

 Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:07 pm    Post subject:    

Another reason why this site is dead is because you really can't have a "discussion" here - those with differing opinions from the moderators' are called "fools" or worse. Fact is, most patients don't care about their health nor their treatments. Like it or not, they want to get in and get out ASAP. For instance - care plan meetings. Out of 128 invitations sent, 2, yes, 2 patients opted to come last time we had one. Yikes! That's TERRIBLE! Fact is, I've worked in quite a few units in my day and this is the norm, not the exception. In all my years as a professional, I am actually appalled at the lack of interest dialysis patients have in their care. If I had to make a statistic of percentages of patients that are interested in their care and disease management I would say 5% are proactive and the other 95% relinquish ALL care to INDUSTRY staff, and not because of lack of education either. Fact is, patients die because of their comorbid conditions, ie heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and diabetes NOT the process of dialysis. Frustrating? Definitely... and not just for the patients...

 Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:32 pm    Post subject: no nerves  

There are no nerves being hit here and your condemnation of the industry is nothing new here. It's the same old song and dance with you folks and it always has been. You want a first-class, grade A system....but oh yeah, you don't want to pay any more for it. You want the taxpayer to continue to pick up the entire cost of this service. Since the government doesn't do dialysis, it has to be contracted and this is where your hated companies come into play. As typical liberals, you want to beat and regulate these companies to death. I wish they would say "the hell with it" and close their doors. Would that satisfy you? You don't even know what you really want. Most libs don't.

 Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:10 am    Post subject: I agree too  

Don't ask a lib for ideas nor accountability. They attack and call those whom disagree awful names first with no facts to back it up. Come to think of it, in all the years I've visited here I have seen no concrete plan of action nor objective thinking - it's all subjective whining. I'm sure we'll see plenty of that in the posts that follow...

 Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:08 pm    Post subject: Re: no nerves  

[quote:867b1ec760="guest"] You want a first-class, grade A system....but oh yeah, you don't want to pay any more for it. You want the taxpayer to continue to pick up the entire cost of this service. Since the government doesn't do dialysis, it has to be contracted and this is where your hated companies come into play. As typical liberals, you want to beat and regulate these companies to death. I wish they would say "the hell with it" and close their doors. Would that satisfy you? You don't even know what you really want. Most libs don't.[/quote:867b1ec760]

Ok, you want some facts ? here we go, it does appear we are already paying for a first-class system, we are just not getting it: from ?91 to ?01 the number of patients doubled, but the cost of ESRD tripled! Do you think care must have got better for that price? Apparently not, the number of deaths actually increased 123% (more than doubled) ? it doesn?t appear we are getting our money?s worth. And what happened during this time period? It looks like the for-profits were busy taking over the bulk of the industry. If you had seen a lot of the stories I?ve read you would realize it all isn?t a coincidence.

Want solutions? Actually they are already out there ? just hard for anybody to listen to with the big money and lobbyists talking: bill HR676 would convert the for-profits to non-profit, bill HR3096 would pay for more frequent treatments. And if you would stop labeling people as this or that, you might see some of the sense in these bills Annual Data Report 2003 pg 172, population up 106%, deaths up 123% from ?91 to ?01 Annual Data Report 2003 pg. 162 expenditures from 8 billion to 22.8 billion from ?91 to ?01 Annual Data Report 2003 pg 15, dialysis mostly for-profit large chains

Joined: 11 Jan 2003
Posts: 226

 Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:11 pm    Post subject: just a hello  

And good to see you around Sister B!
"Like me, you unfortunate enough to stumble upon a silent war. The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing,becomes as political an act as speaking out. Either way, you're accountable."

Arundhati Roy