Author Topic: Alanta Regional Dialysis Center 901 South Williams Alanta,TX  (Read 3127 times)


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Guess who was shut down

Joined: 02 Aug 2003
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 Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 12:17 pm    Post subject: Alanta Regional Dialysis Center 901 South Williams Alanta,TX  

Guess who owned this clinic in Texas?<
>This is the 2567's Page 1 of 23<
>V000 An initial survey was conducted at this facility on 7/18-19/2001. An entrance conference was provided at 9:00 am for the Administrator,Nurse manager and Medical Director.<
>An exit conference was provided for the Administrator and Chief Tech at 12 noon on 7/19/2001. the facility did not meet the requirements for certification. Information was provided regarding the process for withdrawal and for re-application.<
>The esrd facility is under the control of an identifiable governing body,or designated person(s) so functioning,with full legal authority and responsibility for the governance and operation of the facility.<
>This condition was not met as evidenced by:<
>The governing body of this facility did not ensure the health and safety of the patients receiving service at this facility. The following examples are found:<
>1. The governing body did not provide a functional, sanitary and safe enviroment.<
>2.The governing body failed to ensure they adopted and implemented effective rules and regulations designed to safeguard the health and safety of patients and the general operation of the facility.<
>3.The governing body did not ensure that a continuous water suppy that was biologically and chemically acceptable was provided and maintained by the facility.<
>.The governing body did not ensure that the dialysis machines proveded for patient treatments were maintained in a manner to protect the health and safety of the patients.<
>5.The governing body failed to ensure that patient care was provided as required.<
>a)There was no evidence of patient participation in a plan of care.<
>b)There was no evidence of patient involvement or communication with the disciplinary team.<
>c)There was no evidence of nursing history or any copy of the medical record from the previous dialysis facility.<
>d)There was no problem list for patient<
>e)There was no evidence of the patients hep. status acquired prior to patient tratment<
>f)There was no evidence of any treatment or evaluation provided by the dietician in the required tme from the date of admission to the facility.<
>g)The patients dry weight goal was not achieved.<
>Pg 12 of 23 V405.2140(a)(2) PE:EQUIPMENT PM<
>Based on inspection of facility records, interview of responsible personnel,and review of clinical records,all equipment used in the facility was not maintained free of defects which could be a potential hazard to patients and personnel. There was evidence the planned program of preventive maintenance of equipment used in dialysis and related procedures in the facility was not implemented.The dialysis machines available for use were not demonstratd to be ready to provide safe and effectivve treatments,citing:<
>a)The 14 machines available for use were purchased as used equipment and the staff had been unable to obtain any maintenance history on these machines. There was no wqy to determing if the required maintenance was performed. Each machine had from 9,000 to 15,000 hours of previouds used.<
>Based on review of medical records, facility policy and interview of the dietician,clinical records were not safeguarded against loss, destruction, or unauthorized use. The single clinical record (#1) included original notes signed by the dietician to include an assessment and patient care pans. On interview on 7/18 the dietician stated she had not yet visited this facility,and the notes signed by her had been ccompleted in another facility owned by the same individual which is located approximately 30 miles distant.<
>Based on inspection of facility records,interview of responsible personnel,and review of clinical records, as safe and functional physical environment for ESRD services was not proveded. The dialysis machines available for use were not demonstrated to be ready to provide safe and effective treatments.<

Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 69

 Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 7:45 am    Post subject: Where do the patients go now?  

If that unit is closed, what happens to the patients?  
Chez Dump

Joined: 03 Aug 2003
Posts: 1

 Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 8:29 am    Post subject: Ownership  

Who owns this clinic? Is it a chain? or a doctor. They should know that the city of Atlanta gets it's water from the Chatahoochee river (rank) and once in awhile they have to boil their water. Their are a lot of clinics in the downtown area that possibly will take patients. If it is nasty then either fix it or close it.  

Joined: 18 Jul 2003
Posts: 47

 Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 9:07 am    Post subject: Plans of Care  

Glad to see that facility was cited for lack of PATIENT PARTICIPATION in plans of care and PATIENT INVOLVEMENT OR COMMUNICATION with disciplinary team. Maybe some units will take heed!  

Joined: 31 Oct 2002
Posts: 263

 Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 10:16 am    Post subject: care plan  

We are asked to sign a monthly care plan and a annual that says it was discussed with us when in fact it is put in front of us on a clipboard and a pen and told sign this. When you take time to read the 'care plac' the nurse doesn't seem to have time to wait.<
« Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 06:20:10 PM by Administrator »
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Arundhati Roy