Author Topic: Althin Tina and 1000 series machines  (Read 3670 times)


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Althin Tina and 1000 series machines
« on: August 31, 2009, 06:26:16 PM »

Joined: 26 Jul 2003
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 Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 2:10 pm    Post subject: Althin Tina and 1000 series machines   

> Is anybody experiencing acidosis or stroke like symptoms after having half of your dialysis or almost coming off?<
>The reactions are so severe and include some of the following....<
>heavy eyes<
>chest pain<
>accelerated bowls<
>burning sensation in facial area or soft tissues<
>Sour taste in mouth<
>Stomach pain<
>no appetite<
>Passing out<
>Double Vision<
>This is what I have been experiencing on the Alathin Tina <
>machine........they were just put into use 2 months ago.the older machines that were in use the Baxter 1550 never gave me such severe reactions.........I'm doing everything I can to fight this problem and seems that there's not much support in the clinic on this......I've reported to my doctor and the problem still is occuring.......<
>Keep in mind that the first time is started the machine reported a blood leak which didn't test positive but they decided to leave me on machine and then 50 seconds later I felt heavy acid like reaction reaching my body......I suddenly reacted quick and clamped lines and ordered them to take me off machine and dispose of blood.....<
>Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated..... <
> <


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 Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 8:22 am    Post subject: altin tena   

i have used this machine for over 6 years in home dialysis . the last five doing noctornal. i have used other machines in a clinic setting. i find the machine is a little more senative which i like. i also like the ability to change the setting during treatment very good. i think the machine will alarm on the smallest change which i like as i can catch any changes. the treatment seems easier than other machines. could you be doing reuse, its sounds to me you are getting some reaction from the chemicals but this is only my guess. 

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 Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 9:47 am    Post subject: thanks   

Thanks for your reply and yes, they do re-use in my clinic and I'll take that into account and try to have them not re-use the dialyzer........I hope they'll agree.......but by any chance, are the settings for you safe? Is it possible to manipulate settings by another person while your having dialysis? Doesn't this pose a security risk because your settings are not locked during dialysis? 

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 Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 12:15 pm    Post subject: machine   

i can not change all the settings. the conductivity is pre set on doing self test i have to say or press panel saying it is right. the things i can are dilysate flow. time on machine amt. taken off, rate of heparin. can give bolus of heparin. if i feel a cramp coming on i just change rate taken off and i can change it back, i can also change total volumn either up or down or go manual and change rate per hour either up or down. i can change pump speed either up or down. being i do slow gentile treatment i very seldom get any of the systom you get in a jiffy lube. the machine will tell you if something goes wrong and what to do to correct it. 

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 Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 12:33 pm    Post subject: machine   

the safest thing you can do is to have the machine turned to you. get a tec or nurse to explain what they are doing and learn a little each treatment. you will get so you can catch a problem before it happens. you can catch mistakes before they do you harm. it is your life so learn every thing about it. if it is possible consider going home. you double your life by doing this. adding more time will increase it more. the more you learn the better the quality of life will be. it is your choice. if you do this you will have a fight on your hands. a nice please will get you more than a fight. but firmaly stand your ground. 

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 Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 2:10 pm    Post subject: YOu have a choice with reuse   

you sign a form agreeing to do reuse. This is to be a choice. They will give you the run around, but they have to give you a dializer compadable to what you are using. They will tell you that you will have to spend more time on the machine, and they are sooooooo expensive they will give you a cheaper one. But it boils down to a choice and you will feel better.<
>Why chose a dializer that is 80% with chemicals, when you can have a new one that is a 100% with no chemicals. In my opinion reuse should be banned. It serves no purpose other than for profits. 

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 Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 5:50 pm    Post subject: Re-Use   

Thanks again for the feedback. Greatly appreciate the support. <
>It is true, I did sign a paper agreeing to re-use BUT and the funny thing us that they state to me that they have no idea what is happening.........this all started in July and until now they state they don't no the cause...and it's a coincidence that this all started after I complained how a patient care tech assisted me and when I debated with another tech over patients choosing who they want to have them put on......all based on the better needle in reality seems that they know what the problem is but they are keeping it secret to themselves and just looking for a way to get rid of me. <
>Now if they can't figure out what's happening doesn't the FDA need to step in? So far I'm writing down all dates and occurences of incidence........I've already reported to my doctor and it's ongoing and still the head nurse and chief tech have not showed enough interest on a solution.<
>What are the appropiate steps to take? It's already been over 3 incidents and my life is in great danger. 

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 Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 4:34 am    Post subject: machine   

the said thing is there is no one who will listen. the can dismiss you with out cause. the only place you can go to is dialysisethics. keep good records. don,t let them make you mad and say something. you may find a tec who will train you. the other choice is to move to a clinic that will teach you home care. but they are few and far between. that is what i did. the thing is money and money. if you go to a clinic that has a home program you are going to have to help your self. one of the first things you are going to have to do is learn to stick your self and go from there. other wise you will have to pay the price. i know that this hard but true. the primary goal of dialysis is basic human rights that is my opinion only. 

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 Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 6:13 am 

   Post subject: All Machines are the Same???   

>As you noticed, not all machines are alike. Most patients and staff, especially machine technicians, believe the myth that all machines work by the same technology. As a patient you have the right to answers when the machine is not working with your body. They can't give you answers, because they don't know enough about the technology of the machine and how it affects you, personally. <
>The machine technicans learn their trade from the company manuals. Puts the control right back in the companies' pockets. Rare is the machine technician, doctor or staff who can tell you one thing about how the operation of the machine is affecting the patient at any given momemnt of the tx. It's easier to blame the patient than to admit their lack of education and expertise. How would you like to take your car to someone with that record? Please check out my posts elsewhere on this board for more insight. Keeping fighting back Jason. It's tremendously difficult to keep bouncing back from bad txs., but you'll make it. 

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 Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:21 am    Post subject: Suffered   

from backfiltration because I have little fluid removal on both the Althin and FMC (with olc) dfr had to be upped to 800 to keep tmps in normal range. It wasnt' until I did the research that anyone would make the changes though. The other day my machine was supposed to be set to take off only 300 in 3 1/2 hrs, but after only twenty mins. it showed that almost 300 was taken off. Staff argued that it was a "mistake", but I argued politely back until they changed the goal and rate. Reuse bothered me and my neph. ordered non reuse. I also suffered a pyrogenic reaction, (poor water sterilization practice) but once again first I got the dumbfounded looks, followed by out and out denial, but my neph. told me the truth on my next visit.<
>Have the machine facing you, and take the time to learn what the settings should be. It's not rocket science, and you don't have to know WHY, just what they should be. That is after all, all most pct's know; the difference is they don't suffer the ill effects, and you do when things aren't right. First off I would give reuse the boot! Good luck. Lin. 

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 Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 10:10 am    Post subject: machines   

there has to be a certain amount of fluid pass through the dialyzer to carry the toxins. the solution is very simple give saline it can be done before treatment or during treatment if you are watching the machine you can catch all kinds of problems before they can be serious. the patient are going to have to realize the problem is theirs and take an active part in their treatment if they want good results. 

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 Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 10:57 pm    Post subject: Good Dialysis   

Once again, thanks for the feedback........everything is being monitored very closely and am working with the techs, nurse, and Doctor to make sure they are doing something about it..........only thing I hope is that it does not get to a critical point where I lose my life all because of their neglegence...........either way whether they know the cause or not they're putting themselves in grave danger.........situations like that need to be taken care right away without delay. It shouldn't happen in a proffesional dialysis unit unless they have the wrong people working on the floor......<
>Nobody, but the patient knows and feels if he or she is having a good dialysis or not but nothing will be done if the patient doesn't excecise his or her rights and speak out the situation. In most cases they don't wanna hear it or don't want the obligation of doing something about it.....they'd just chuckle and go on about doing the more simple unit tasks....... 

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 Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 9:09 am    Post subject: machines   

thr biggest problem we have in health care is the belief that someone elseshould take care of our problems at no cost to us or no effort on our part. the bill gets bigger every year with fewer tax payers footing the bill. it has got to the point where the adverage working man can not afford insurance for him or her self because of all the free riders the patient who is able is going to be have to take responsibility for themselves. there is a lot of information on the internet. HDCN is a good place to start. 

Joined: 28 Oct 2002
Posts: 337

 Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 5:49 am    Post subject: Backfiltration   

giving saline doesn't help prevent backfiltration for me if you mean that I should receive saline to make up for taking off "too much". I don't need ANY fluid removal and because of that the tx. causes all fluid during tx. to end up in bladder, the fast route. The only way to keep the tmps in range is to bump up the dfr. . Ridgerunner, my goal is .3 with a dfr of 800! I readily dehydrate as do many pts. with pkd.. I came in yesterday at 94.5 and left at 93.5, with a goal of .3, plus 500 p + r, and after drinking 16 oz. while on! Adding back saline doesn't help all pts.., and in fact a lot of them, if they urinate at all. It's far better to not take off too much. Lin. (watching the machine and thinks everyone else shold too!) 
"Like me, you unfortunate enough to stumble upon a silent war. The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing,becomes as political an act as speaking out. Either way, you're accountable."

Arundhati Roy