Author Topic: AMIGEN IE; EPO  (Read 3366 times)


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« on: August 31, 2009, 06:31:08 PM »
explain this please

Joined: 06 Aug 2003
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 Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:17 am    Post subject: AMIGEN IE; EPO   

> Implementation of Pharmaceutical Care Services in a Renal<
> Dialysis Unit<
> Cynthia A. Naughton, Pharm.D., M.S.<
> Heartland Health System<
> North Dakota State University College of Pharmacy<
> Fargo, North Dakota<
> Managing patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is<
> frequently complex due to the presence of multiple medical<
> conditions along with renal impairment. Dialysis patients<
> generally exhibit numerous concurrent problems, either due to<
> or as a consequence of their renal failure. Associated medical<
> problems include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, anemia,<
> hyper or hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, secondary<
> hyperparathyroidism, infectious processes, and cardiovascular<
> morbidity.<
> Pharmacotherapy management of CKD patients has been<
> optimized through the addition of pharmaceutical care to the<
> already existing medical, nursing, dietary, and social work care<
> plans. The pharmaceutical care service began in 1998 and<
> initially consisted of erythropoietin dosing. The service has now<
> grown to include the following:<
> Medication history upon admission <
> Quarterly drug regimen review <
> Maintenance of a computerized patient database <
> Renal dosing service <
> Erythropoietin dosing protocol management <
> Iron dosing protocol management <
> Vitamin D dosing protocol management <
> Patient and family education <
> Participation in monthly care conferences with attending<
> nephrologists, and <
> Collaboration with the transplant team <
> The Heartland Health Systems Kidney Dialysis Unit is a<
> regional, ambulatory dialysis facilities servicing approximately<
> 110 hemodialysis and 30 peritoneal dialysis patients. The<
> average daily census is 55 patients. Prior to implementing a<
> pharmaceutical care service, pharmacy services were purely<
> distributive functions. The pharmacy supplied the<
> erythropoietin, heparin, iron dextran, and calcitriol injection<
> without looking at appropriateness of therapy or monitoring.<
> In 1997 the National Kidney Foundation released their Dialysis<
> Outcomes Quality Initiative (DOQI) Clinical Practice Guidelines<
> on Anemia Management. The consensus document targeted a<
> hematocrit range of 33-36% to improve patient outcomes and<
> survival. The Health Care Finance Administrations (HCFA) also<
> announced changes to Medicare reimbursement.<
> Reimbursement for erythropoietin would be denied if a<
> patient?s average hematocrit exceeded 36.5%. At the time<
> erythropoietin was the number one pharmaceutical in dollars<
> spent at Heartland. The cost was $10 per 1000 units, the<
> typical patient dose was 10-12,000 units/week (range<
> 1000-30,000 units), and approximately $50,000 worth of<
> erythropoietin was used per month in the kidney dialysis unit.<
> The clinical and financial impact was great and an<
> erythropoietin use evaluation was conducted. Criteria included<
> the percent of patient in DOQI target hematocrit range<
> (33-36%) and the percent of patients with a hematocrit<
> exceeding 36.5%. The results were 40% of patients were<
> below target range, 30% were within the target hematocrit<
> range of 33-36%, and 30% were above the 36.5% hematocrit.<
> With 30% of the patients exceeding a hematocrit of 36.5%, it<
> was projected that $16,000 per month would be lost revenue<
> in denied Medicare claims with the current dosing practice.<
> A performance improvement team consisting of physicians,<
> nursing, pharmacy, and finance were convened to study the<
> problem and identify alternatives to the current practice of<
> physician directed erythropoietin dosing and monitoring. From<
> this group a pharmacy managed EPO dosing protocol was<
> developed, approved, and implemented in January 1998.<
> Pharmacy also supplied erythropoietin in unit dose syringes to<
> minimize waste and coordination with finance department for<
> reimbursement was established. <
> The new EPO protocol was evaluated for medical and finance<
> outcomes after 12 months. The percentage of patients within<
> the DOQI target hematocrit range of 33-36% with the new<
> protocol consistently exceeded the baseline value of 30%. Also<
> the percent of patients exceeding an average hematocrit<
> greater than 36.5% declined from 30% to an average of 8.0%<
> and there were no Medicare denials for erythropoietin.<
> Due to the success of the EPO project, other opportunities<
> were explored to expand services in the kidney unit. A<
> telephone survey of renal units was conducted in the<
> surrounding states. About 25% of the pharmacy?s provided<
> some pharmaceutical services which turned out to be<
> predominately antibiotic dosing. <
> Service opportunities were identified for pharmaceutical care at<
> Heartland including:<
> Anemia management <
> Medication management <
> Identification and resolution of drug related problems <
> Calcium and phosphorous balance management <
> Hyperparathyroidism management <
> Patient and Family Education <
> Transplant therapeutics <
> Hospital administration supported the idea of adding<
> pharmaceutical care services to the kidney unit as long as no<
> additional staff needed to be hired. An application for a grant<
> was written and awarded by the Dakota Medical Foundation to<
> fund a pharmacy resident. Pharmaceutical care services were<
> implemented when the pharmacy resident started at the<
> facility. Pharmaceutical care services were provided initially to<
> hemodialysis patients only and have now been expanded to<
> the peritoneal dialysis population also.<
> The pharmacy resident position was instrumental in<
> implementing the program. The resident helped design the<
> computerized database capable of generating current<
> medication profiles which were then placed in the medical<
> record. A rotating calendar of patient appointments was<
> generated so that all patients would meet with a pharmacist<
> upon admission and then quarterly for drug regimen review. In<
> the first year alone, 131 drug related problems were identified<
> during the patient appointments.<
> Drug related problems identified in dialysis patients <
> (from July 2000-June 2001.)<
> Problem <
> Frequency (%)<
> Untreated Indication<
> 45 (34.3%)<
> Indication with an Incorrect Drug <
> 21 (16%)<
> Adverse Drug Reaction <
> 14 (10.7%)<
> Failure to Receive or Take a Drug<
> 10 (7.6%)<
> Incorrect Timing<
> 10 (7.6%)<
> Drug without an Indication<
> 8 (6.1%)<
> Sub-therapeutic Drug Dose<
> 8 (6.1%)<
> Therapeutic Duplication<
> 8 (6.1%)<
> Drug Overdose<
> 7 (5.3%)<
> Services were expanded in the first year of pharmaceutical<
> care services to include the development and implementation<
> of a pharmacist managed iron dosing protocol and a<
> pharmacist managed Vitamin D dosing protocol. <
> <


Joined: 31 Oct 2002
Posts: 263

 Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:29 am    Post subject: Lets get this right   

So they are proud of the fact

 that they have reduced the percentage of patients with hemocrit over 36.5% from 30% of the patients to 8%?<
>And they are happy about this!!!<


Joined: 09 Mar 2003
Posts: 69

 Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:38 am    Post subject: Sure they are happy   

Medicare doesn't pay for EPO if your crit is over 36.5... so in effect, every patient with a high crit is costing them money.<
>So much for 'rehabilitation' being part of the program-- anybody with a low crit obviously won't be able to go back to work. 

Joined: 31 Oct 2002
Posts: 263

 Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:41 am    Post subject: write to your senator   

So lets get some ETHICAL senator to introduce a bill raising the level at which Medicare will pay for EPO from 36.5% . Is there someone involved here who can write a good letter that we can send to all the senators? 

Joined: 28 Oct 2002
Posts: 337

 Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 6:57 am    Post subject: *&%^@!!!!   

All I know is that when my hgb. falls below 11 I feel like crap, and when it's at 11 or above I feel super. They figure the majority of dialysis pts. are retired and even if they felt better wouldn't go back to work, but what about the rest of us. Sure, I could go back to work but I wouldn't have the energy to cook, clean, do laundry, yard work, ect ect; who would do those things? Right now I keep house and go to dialysis, and do without things I can't afford now. I would love to have the energy to work outside of the house, and yes even pay taxes. My retirement nest egg is the size of a marble!<
>My hemglobin shot up to 12.5 so they cut back the epo; trust me, I knew when it dropped to 10 like now. All I know is that younger pts. on dialysis are getting shafted epo wise, and it stinks! Lin. 
"Like me, you unfortunate enough to stumble upon a silent war. The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing,becomes as political an act as speaking out. Either way, you're accountable."

Arundhati Roy