Author Topic: on Flyer to have downloaded (part c)  (Read 1902 times)


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on Flyer to have downloaded (part c)
« on: September 29, 2009, 05:45:10 PM »


Joined: 28 Oct 2002
Posts: 103

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 10:30 am    Post subject: I think it is    
great. Well informing the patients/public what this family is all about. ---Must keep it at the level where all can understand.... no preaching, not over-bearing, works for me


Joined: 28 Apr 2003
Posts: 85

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:09 pm    Post subject: Flyer    
How about this:<
>Gif Goes Here that says Welcome Dialysis Ethics Organization<
>Dialysis Ethics Organization (DEO) is a group of medical workers, patients, and families members who are working to improve the dialysis experience for all end-stage renal disease (ERSD) patients. All communication within our organization is confidential and anonymous, unless your state otherwise. This is our PROMISE to you!<
>DEO has done the following for dialysis patients:<
>1.        Responsible for the Senate Hearings in Washington D.C. on June 26th, 2000.<
>2.        Successful advocating for patients who have had their civil, patient and human rights violated. Including patients who have been dumped by their doctor's and dialysis units with left no place to go. DEO advocates until all issues are resolved and provides legal counsel, if needed.<
>3.        Collected documents relating to various types of abuse in the dialysis industry which include medical studies against the reuse of kidneys and the reuse of chemicals and various lawsuits, both present and pending, to end these abuses. Attorneys are provided when needed.<
>4.        Working pass information along to the local ESRD Networks contracted under the CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) that they are not patient friendly. They are boarded by the dialysis industry and almost unanimously side with the companies/dialysis clinics. Your complaint is not handled anonymously, it is returned to the company/ dialysis clinic with your full name, which violates your right to privacy.<
>5.        Advocates getting you, the patient, off the stock market. Did you know that your Nephrologist receives up to $100,000 when they contract with a for-profit dialysis company to send their patients there for dialysis? No other medical specialty can profit like this from their patients. This could be considered a violation of the Stark and anti-kickback laws that apply to everyone else. DEO is working to get these laws changed so that your Nephrologist can get back to being YOUR doctor, concerned only for your health and well being. Not as an investor concerned with the profit margin from their "Cash Cows." <
>6.        DEO is working to get rid of the reuse of dializers, the practice of minimizing the training of dialysis staff, supplies, and inadequate dialysis, all for the sake of profit. <
>7.        DEO advocates for the right of patients everywhere to be able to choose the dialysis modality that best suits their individual needs, whether it be in unit, home hemo, peritoneal, CAPD, or slow nocturnal, and the right to refuse reuse and be informed of the chemicals used in reuse. <
>8.        DEO is working with various well-known journalists, TV News Magazines, and other organizations to help inform the public of the abuses in the dialysis industry and to patients in particular.<
>DEO?s website is At this site you will find General Discussions in a wide variety of topics with dialysis patients from all over the world. Its patients talking to patients, asking questions and encouraging each other. In the Education Section addresses dialysis treatment problems and questions are answered. The FYI Section has medical studies and articles of interest to patients concerning the chemicals used in the reuse of dializers and more. These are printable and can be shared with others. The Memorial Section is for those who wish to share the memories of those lost on dialysis. Alternative Dialysis Modalities is for those interested in learning more about other dialysis options such as slow-nocturnal and home hemo. The Patient Stories section is for those who wish to share their stories, both good and bad, of life on dialysis.<
>If we can be of any help to you please contact us at any of the following: <
>Mailing address: Dialysis Ethics Organization<
>11500 N.E. 76th St., Box 241<
>Vancouver, WA 98662<
>Phone: (360) 604-4440<
>E-mail: <
>Web site:<


Joined: 25 Apr 2003
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 5:24 pm    Post subject: very good effort    
So it's legal to give these flyers out in front of the units? Whoa I can just see my doc's toupe' fly off now. Hey doc you mean to say you got 100 grande to sign up little ole me?


Joined: 27 Apr 2003
Posts: 46

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 1:21 am    Post subject: attract bees with honey    
Just my opinion, but I'm not so sure about including numbers 4, 5 & 6 on the flyer. Firstly, it immediately sets us up as adversaries to the dialysis industry, which we are, but is it wise to be so confrontational on material we want to distribute in the units themselves? In my mind, we'd be better served by actually enlisting the help of the units in getting the word out about the organization. This could be done by keeping the language on the flyer non-confrontational and focusing more on us being a general dialysis patient advocacy group.<
>Secondly, numbers 4,5 & 6 borders a little on the too much information side. Having worked in PR, I've learned that generally people only read the first few sentences on flyers. That's why taglines, headlines, bullets, etc, are so effective. Remember, the purpose of the flyer is to attract people here, not to divulge our entire doctrine. Once they get here, they can get the whole story.<
>Again, just my opinion!


Joined: 13 Mar 2003
Posts: 12

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 5:37 am    Post subject: Funding    
DEO has a policy of not accepting any funds from the dialysis industry or those associated with it. (Drug companies). By doing so we feel that it would compromise our standing and the issues we are fighting for. It is also a moral and ethical issue with many of our staff. So we have all chipped in and paid for DEO's needs out of our own pockets. It hasn't always been easy, but by a miracle, it's been there when we needed it.

I agree

Joined: 30 Apr 2003
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 6:20 am    Post subject: with your point    
LuLu. Most people are not big readers so the flyer should be more simplistic. And revealing too much would be adversarial. Even the patients would get scared. Many have very weak personalities for anything controversial. Go simplier and get them to DEO first. Remember -- patients are afriad of getting kicked out of the unit wth no place to go. So, make the flyer more corp. friendly sounding so the patients don't have to fear accepting them.

"Like me, you unfortunate enough to stumble upon a silent war. The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing,becomes as political an act as speaking out. Either way, you're accountable."

Arundhati Roy