Author Topic: Patient not having advocate honored  (Read 1937 times)


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Patient not having advocate honored
« on: September 30, 2009, 07:09:12 PM »
My opinion

Joined: 22 Jan 2003
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 Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 7:37 am    Post subject: Patient not having advocate honored   

We are actively advocating for a patient in Texas. This physician feels that he doesnt have to honor an advocacy of the patient. It appears that way to me,and the following paragraph to me seems as if it is threatening the patient to have to go elsewhere. This physician needs to realize that a patient is not owned,but has rights.<
>This physician feels that we will just walk away. We are throwing the ball back in his court and having him give the advocacy that he feels he will honor to the patient to honor. I worry as one patient that we know of has been dumped for reasons not of any violence. They have a responsibility to honor the laws of the land. The patients are not "cash cows" to do as one pleases.ex <
>The last paragraph states the following:<
>"In closing,let me make an observation which I hope you and **** will consider carefully. Confining myself to the facts which are obvious to all,*** is not an average individual in average health with a seat assignment beef. She is an end stage renal patient who has a compelling need for continuing medical care from a team which shares unimpaired trust and open communication with her. To the extent that we fail her in this,she needs to sek altrnative sources of care,rather than resort to adversarial tactics."<
>This appears to be threatening to me that they can do as they please. This patient will have the advocacy honored. I will post the letter on Friday or Monday.We even had Rev Al Sharptons group call this physician and left a message, clearly they are thumbing thier noses at him also. So this is going to get interesting and we will not back off this clinic.....we will be working with the National Action Network on this. Maybe they would like to work with them instead. <
>This is a clinic that dumped a patient in the past that we were advocating for and they let her back in. This clinic feels that they dont have to honor a patients civil and patients rights to question. Lets see who the NETWORK supports. We will not back down on this. <
>The clinic's name is:<
>Texarkana Reginal Dialysis Center<
>Drs. name is Paul Quinn MD.<
>We are hoping that the physician will realize that patients have rights to question and are not owned.<

Joined: 28 Oct 2002
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 Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 9:03 am    Post subject: again, and again   

:"> It never ceases to amaze me that Doctors, like Dr.Quinn think they are above the law, denying a patient an advocate, in which they are legally entitled to. For those that would care to address the issue in letter form here is the address as well as his fax number. :"> <
>Texarkana Regional Dialysis Center<
>4800 Texas Blvd<
>Texarcana, Tx 75503<
>Fax- 903-614-3522 

Joined: 28 Oct 2002
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 Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 11:55 am    Post subject: Pts. Rights   

I realize I don't know the specifics but from the paragraph from the doc I did read it implied if they didn't meet the pts. standards the pt. would be welcome to go elsewhere. Hmmmm! Seems to me that under the law a pt. is entitled to quality of treatments and care. It's in the pts. bill of rights, and it's required that that center (and all others!) provide a certain standard of care! I'm sure the network will hop right on this one! 

Joined: 24 Jan 2003
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 Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 3:18 pm    Post subject: What is the heart of the problem?   

It would really be helpful for me to know what problem caused the patient to contact you. Was he/she injured by their treatment? Were they treated unlawfully? Were they subjected to services that they did not need or want? Were they treated differently than other patients? Were they denied access to the facility's grievance procedure? Was this procedure used to its fullest? That is all the way to the state Department of Health. Patients do have rights but they also have responsibilities. WEre those responsibilities fulfilled? 

Joined: 17 Jan 2003
Posts: 13

 Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 6:51 am    Post subject: They simply think they own the patients   

This is and was about the denial of honoring a patients right to advocate.They gave her reuse,but not honoring the patients legal right. This is it appears to be about the denial of the company to respond in a lawful manner with a patients right to advocate.They clearly will not give the patient one that they will honor. <
>I personally talked to the CEO Thomas Simmons,and clearly it comes from the top. It was made quite clearly to me that they will do as they please.Refuses to even give the patient the one they feel they can honor. They clearly think we are kidding.We will just go away,dont think so.<
>The patients responsibility is not even an issue,as it was about exercising her patient rights. The law in our minds is clearly the main issue. To assume and not feel you have to go by the law is a big issue and one that all patients need to feel safe in exercising. \This following paragraph states it so well,as this is off the letter.<
>Dear Ms. Mullins<
>--I have reviewed the "permission to advocate" statement signed by our patient.with OUR HIPAA compliance officer. It is our feeling that this statement does not constitute a hipaa complance release of medical information. <
>They were told from the NETWORK who also has a copy and has talked to the patient. They stated they told the physician that it was to be honored.<
>Clearly they feel that we will go away,we will not and if this continues not to recognize the patients right of advocacy,then it needs to go to the next step. To let the patient down and if we back down,no patient will be safe and or have rights in many of these units. They simply are not going to comply with the law. When thrown back in their court,,,,give her one that you will honor...still choses not too,and this is in violation.<
>It takes a
ave patient to face the head of the dragon,ours is the easier part,we are at a distance and dont have to go in and feel afraid. It is patients like this that is making it easier for the clinics and companies to have to honor patient rights,civil rights and human rights. It takes a
ave one to state I am asking for help,I have rights.<
>We have dealt with this company before and fought like hell to get a patient readmitted because it appeared they didnt like the daughter interferring with the care asking questions. They are accountable to the families and the advocates that the patient choses. This clinic feels that they "own" the patients (which they do) and they dont like it they can move to another,if you question you can leave.<
>To allow this to go unchallenged will only leave license to have the patient vunerable to retaliation.We have tried to work with them,they chose to ignore the law.<
>We have Rev Al Sharptons group watching and will be contacting an attorney if the patient choses. We also have the reporter who has interviewed this patient as well as others in TEXAS. <
>This is important as with all of our advocacy's we will be there until this is resolved. Many eyes are watching...<
>We tried to work with them,they chose to slamm the door and arent willing to find resolution. We will not let our patient down.This is a fight that is important for all of you.The patients have rights.<

Joined: 24 Jan 2003
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 Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 12:18 pm    Post subject: I'm still puzzled 


Why did the patient contact you? What was the original complaint? Why does the patient feel that they need an advocate from outside of the established channels? 

Joined: 11 Jan 2003
Posts: 258

 Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 4:37 pm    Post subject: Where does it end?   

Let me see, the company feels they can choose the advocate? Seems to me if there was a lawsuit against them, they would probably want to choose the patient's lawyer. Of course these companies feel they can also deny medical treatment if they feel like it. Hey, maybe they should add food and water to the list too! (Oops! better not give them any ideas) 

Joined: 31 Oct 2002
Posts: 263

 Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:54 am    Post subject: issue   

Arlene - in your post you say "They gave her reuse,but not honoring the patients legal right." Is this what the initial issue was, that the patient did not want re-use and the clinic was still giveing her reused dialyzers?<
>I think this is what the poster margeret is asking. 

Joined: 26 Jan 2003
Posts: 45

 Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 4:17 am    Post subject: choices   

I would like to know where it ends also! I am tired of providers forcing me to do things that the state that "is in your best interest". They tried to shove re-use down my throat also screaming "your just going to have to talk to the administrator about that". Why should I have to talk to anyone about it this is my choice. Notified nephrologist and was immediately placed on single-use. 

Joined: 26 Jan 2003
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 Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 6:27 am    Post subject: Texas patient   

She now is off reuse. There are other issues,but the point of the matter is that they have to honor her right to have her choice of advocate honored. To do less leaves her vunerable. So we will keep on it whatever it takes to make sure she has a safety net,one that the law allows.They were asked to give the patient one that they will honor....this is now in their court and to refuse is a violation of her rights.<
>To many clinics and companies have the attitude that if you question,you can find another place if you dont like it. The provider has an obligation to you all and not to honor what is lawfully your rights.You have rights and they have not been allowed in many units. This is America and the patient has rights,not merely a money maker for the clinics to decide what they will and not let the patient do.You may be on the stock market in most cases,but you have rights and not just a money making machine to do as they please.<
>It takes a
ave patient to buck the current system,one that I dont know if I could even find enough guts to do. It is easier to go with the wind instead of against, We cantket a patient down,our job is to ensure that this patient is protected.To do less,would
ing our cause back to the beginning. We have to stay with this and all avenues will be used.<
>Remember one patient has been already booted out of this very clinic and we fought like heck to get that patient back in. Our way or the highway mentality needs to end.<


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 Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 6:31 am    Post subject: OOOPS!   

I meant to give the patient a form to fill out that they will honor. 
small correction

Joined: 26 Jan 2003
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 Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 7:41 am    Post subject: Texas   

I was trying to find this place on a map. My map is showing it spelled with a k, not a c (Texarkana). Just noticed a typo in the address. Good luck!!! Get 'em, gang! (I did send my nastygram) 

Joined: 13 Feb 2003
Posts: 11

 Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:22 pm    Post subject: ever   

happened to this??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 

Joined: 14 Feb 2003
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 Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 2:16 pm    Post subject: Asking   

Again....what happened to this??????????????????????????????????????????????? 

Joined: 15 Feb 2003
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 Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 7:18 am    Post subject: Oh dear   

If only the Nephrologist,nurse and healthcare workers are the experts...which is the way it is set up now. If the Networks you state are only the ones who are in the know,then that self policing.<
>You still are confusing the money of the NETWORKS with the main issue of their abuse of power in protecting one another. It leaves the patient whose life hangs in your so called protection unbalanced. <
>So only the professionals are the ones who are in control.<


Joined: 15 Feb 2003
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 Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 8:57 am    Post subject: Guess   

since this subject just died......the patient and DE were wrong but dont have the kahoonies to tell everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Saay What

Joined: 15 Feb 2003
Posts: 1

 Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 9:18 am    Post subject: Do you know something we dont.   

No the subject has been satisfied,...It seems like you are upset over the newest post.<
>The patient has been kept in contact with and what else is it that you are referring to?<
>You must know something I dont,so please share it. We now have an addition to our complaint dept.<

Joined: 06 Jan 2003
Posts: 41

 Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:13 pm    Post subject: Re: Do you know something we dont.   

Wrong how? Every patient has the right to chose an advocate of their choice.<
>They had chosen to ignore the law,did we forget nadda! We have been in contact with the patient and others are monitoring within the please share where we were wrong.<
>Please contact the NETWORK of your choice and ask them. If you are the NETWORK somehow I wouldnt be suprised you dont know the law.... 
"Like me, you unfortunate enough to stumble upon a silent war. The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing,becomes as political an act as speaking out. Either way, you're accountable."

Arundhati Roy