Well, it worked so well the first time!
Part 1: Thank some Legislators! How about we try it again!
Now that we are are out of the Colorado state House, we now have the Colorado state Senate Health and Human Services to get through:
Colorado State Capitol
200 East Colfax Avenue
Denver, CO 80203
Senate Committee Room 356
Thursday, March 15th
Why:Support bill HB1204, state bill for the certification of hemodialysis techs.
From what I understand there is only a sponsor on the bill on the Senate side and co-sponsors might come later?
So the Sponsor to thank is Colorado State Senator Betty Boyd, Chair of the Health and Human Services committee and President Pro Tempore:
betty.boyd.senate*at*state.co.us ph. 303-866-4857
And while we are at it, I think Senator Bob Bacon ought to be thanked for his work on the 2007 bill! His work got us the critical vote to get us out of committee by one vote back in 2007! And who knows, maybe we could hint we wouldn't mind seeing him as a co-sponsor! Senator Bob Bacon,
bob.bacon.senate*at*state.co.us ph 303-866-4841
REASONS FOR THE BILL: 1) This state bill ties in tech certification with a dialysis clinic