August 26th, 2024 email:
Rep. Crow,
I just thought it was a good time to contact you once again about our concerns in kidney dialysis.  I know with everything going on it could be easy to get lost in the shuffle.  I'll state again I hope NYT's author Tom Mueller's book 'How to Make a Killing' we left off on February 29th is making the rounds!  I mentioned earlier Lina Khan and the FTC have been after noncompete contracts that have caused such havoc in areas like kidney dialysis!  It is a wonderful start, but I worry without taking away the Stark Law exemption the nephrologists have, would it be just another cycle of the doctors again starting clinics just to have them bought up by the big for-profit dialysis companies?  Should I be worried about that?
And just to refresh your memory, this is what went on, on January 31st and February 29th this year.
P.S.  I saw you at the DNC, you did great!  And if you happen to bump into VP Kamala Harris, tell her to keep Lina Khan at the FTC along with Johnathan Kanter at the DOJ!  There has been an effort by some of the big money to push them out!  What I had to say about that!
July 15th, 2024 email:
Rep. Crow,
I have a couple of things - some good news for a change!  I've been writing to you about the conditions in kidney dialysis (horrendous).  And the need to get rid of things like the Stark Law exemption the nephrologists got, which by the way I wrote a blog about - compared it to a town with two restaurants. I've written that the exemption to the Stark Law stifles innovations like 'Community Dialysis Houses'.
First good news item: There is a Community Dialysis House in the US that has been going since 2009!  This looks like something that could definitely help rural Coloradoans who have to make long commutes to a clinic!  Not to mention so many others!  And possibly a pilot program wouldn't be needed since we've had something going right under our noses for 15 years?  (if you count Hawaii as right under our noses)
Second good news item: Lina Khan at the FTC and friends are going after the big for-profit dialysis companies for the non-compete contracts they have been making the doctors sign!
But the main takeaway is you could bring Community Dialysis Houses to Colorado!