Dr. Richard K. Bernstein on YouTube

Diabetes University Teleseminar 76. May 25, 2022 - 25:30

Based upon my experience with the fair number of type 1 diabetics I’ve treated from the time of diagnosis, I’m convinced that the honeymoon period can be prolonged indefinitely. The trick is to assist the pancreas and keep it as quiescent as possible. With the meticulous use of small doses of injected insulin and with the essential use of a very low carbohydrate diet, the remaining capacity of the pancreas, I believe, can be preserved.

pg. 74


dka ketoacidosis:



Dawn Phenomenon

At minute 21 of '[Facts Your Doctor May Not Know](https.www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHLFP71Oi3Y)' he mentions things like the anti-growth hormone somatostatin and the dawn phenomenon.

Rising early to give insulin to [control the dawn phenomenon at 31:30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qnDR4rJGOA)

Dawn phenomenon and [an early dinner at 45:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5I59KoFceA).

At 50:45 he talks about [using humalog for the dawn phenomenon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuyo5vXLH1w).

At 1:03:45 he mentions [using metformin etc...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksk5xps0oz4) to control the dawn phenomenon.

And in this final video he talks about [using rapid insulin and rapid metformin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8__UCIAAX8) at 26:30 and [rapid and slow metformin together at 52:20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8__UCIAAX8).
Dr. Ahmet Ergin: pumps at night
https://sugarmds.com/why-is-my-blood-sugar-high-in-the-mornings/ (bump heads over somogyi, cause of dawn phenomenon, and Lantus)

Dr. Bernstein University:


Diabetes University Teleseminar 78. Q1 2023.

*This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*Finerenone for kidney 3:40
*Total cholesterol goes up with low T3 8:45
*coronary heart artery disease, check T3, CAC, stable? 12:25


Diabetes University Teleseminar 77. Fall 2022.

*Glycagon gets into the system slowly, that fact and nighttime exercise could cause a hypo 3:00
*T1 numbers getting worse on low carb, covid 5:00
*celiac disease instant coffee has gluten8:30
*hungry T1 amalyn simlin 12:30
*Dr. B has common variable immune deficency 16:00
*floater spots in eyes 23:30
*chasing high blood sugars and nap 26:45
*insulin for life for poor diabetics 31:00
*low blood sugar bad for heart? 46:15
*carpal tunnel mixture of collganese+dmso etc, wrist band 48:00
*update book response 57:00

July 6, 2022 19 Facts Your Doctor May Not Know!
Dawn phenomenon - minute 21, somatostatin anti-growth hormone
Frozen shoulder 31:00
Collagen tightening - minute 33, shoulder, claw hand-dupanace contracture, electric massaging tool, and no steroids - glycated collagen, 

*Target blood sugars for diabetics and pregnant diabetics
*Long term complications can be avoided 5:00
*pregnant diabetics should have lower blood sugar 6:30
*Why shooting long-acting insulin into the thigh muscle can be a bad idea
*How to diagnose and treat gastroparesis (stomach can't empty itself of food in a normal fashion) 9:20
*Other things besides carbs that can affect blood sugar
*Ketones from weight loss and ketoacidosis (DKA) are not the same!  (the later can be deadly) 16:00
*A person on a keto diet can get in trouble if they don't have enough protein ( protein along with fat are essential in a diet) 18:30
*Insulin pens have the problem of being too leaky
*Half-life of insulin
*Glycation of collagen causing things like carpal tunnel syndrome, claw hand, and ITB syndrome


Diabetes University Teleseminar 76. May 25, 2022
*Cgm not waking up, hypo at night, receiver, use smartwatch minute 2:00
*He is taking tresiba - minute 8:30
*Treatment for children - minute 13:30
*73 or 93 BG - minute 23:30
*Making the honeymoon period for type 1s longer - minute 25:30 minute
*Coconut oil for dry feet - minute 27:15
*Has used the dexcom for about 6 years - minute 32:30
*Hypothyroidism, T3+T4, TSH - minute 42
*Protein deprivation and keto - minute 47:15


Diabetes University Teleseminar 75. April 2022
*Can reverse kidney disease at minute 7:30
*Right amount of protein estimates at minute 13:00
*Doctor forbidding metformin and endos can suck at minute 19:30
*glucosamean minute and arthritis 27:45
*walmart sells insulin 31:00
*basal can't be diluted 35:30
*high blood pressure 36:30
*13 years to recover from gastroperisis 40:30
*plant-based diet 42:00
*when he takes basal, 6 hours after sleep 45:30,
-recommends dexcom, leakage of pens
*ada recommendations of injecting muscles sucks 47:30
*scar tissue from pump 51:15
*stomachaches dehydration guess, gastroperisis 56:00
*magnesium and diaherra 58:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 74. March 2022
*insulins recommended 6:45
*dog video 14:30
*nph insulin is intermediate, can be diluted 16:30
*wfpb 18:30
*metformin and b vitamins 25:00
*spikes and beta blockers, Propranolol 27:30 (good for kids with mean teachers) + sports
*recommends a cgm, wake a few hours before dawn phenomenon and give insulin 31:30
*choloesterol and phony research 37:00
*electrolytes power aid zero 47:15


Diabetes University Teleseminar 73. February 2022
*Oral Glucose tolerance test drinks to raise blood sugar (OGTT drinks)+recipe 3:30
*Dementia in young patients hypothryoid 11:15
*metformin affects B12 22:30
*Gary Taubes article in NY times magazine July 7 2002 26:30
*infection infection for years causes high blood sugar 40:00
*From tresiba back to levemir 45:00
*Fasting and diabetes 47:00
*T3 instead of T4 can raise blood sugar 52:00
*steroid induced diabetes 53:30
*exercise induced asthma drug 55:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 72. January 2022

B12 deficiency is rare 3:00
Beta blocker for adrenaline spike 5:00
cholesterol c-reactive protein, Gary Taubes 13:00
statins can reduce inflamation 13:10
frozen shoulder (trigger point massage) 15:15
lipoprotein small a 41:30
pumps and scar tissue - he doesn't recommend pumps 46:30
sunflower seeds for bored eating 55:00
covid patients 57:45


Diabetes University Teleseminar 71. December 2021

*phony cures 00:30
*hypothroidism 9:30
*pregnant women+carbs 11:30
*calcium changes since book published? 15:15
(can mention coconut oil vs. mink, dexcom for 6 years, doesn't like intermittant fasting, don't agree with about only weighting self once a week)
*how to handle dka 17:45
*not too impressed with drugs trulcity, januvia, 23:10
*brittle diabetic and gastroperisis 28:45
*lantus-cancer?-doesn't use-use levemir 32:10
*glucose tablets don't work the same in the evening as the morning 34:30
*alpha lipoic acid with biotin for insulin resistence insulow 47:30
*how to diagnose gastroperisis 52:15
*how to increase internet distribution 52:30


Diabetes University Teleseminar 70. November 2021

*Moderna for covid causing GI problems 00:30
*Mody 3 glimepiride etc overworking pancreas-good for 2 years!!! (fuckers) 4:00+5:00
*Protamine zinc insulin is long acting and can be diluted 8:30
*insulins that are dilutable 9:15
*he has no new complications since 1972 (had problems for 26 years) 18:10
*insulin resistence at puberty 19:30
*prevent b12 deficency from metformin by giving calcium pill like tums 22:00
*lantus cancer studies 24:30
*low sodium, low chloride, low hematocrit, sgl2 agents- excess water, other than low A1C 36:30
*blood glucose or sugar coming down fast (too fast) can make retinoprathy worse, igf1 41:00
*doesn't like intermittent fasting 43:45
*uses skype 47:45
*me!!! oops 48:30


Diabetes University Teleseminar 69. October 2021

*intemittent clodaction - people died 10:00
*omnipod - better than nothing, algorithms are flawed, carbs? !!!!The algorithm is based on total daily insulin and the CGM value/trending-the bolus calculator is based on carbs and Dr Bernstein has a somewhat valid point that other factors, such as protein and fat, are ignored. However, there are strategies to deal with that, such as an extended bolus!!!!  Need to write a book or instruction manual, inform Dr. B., help type 1 diabetics on YouTube 16:00
*do low blood sugars cause complications, hungry at still high 18:30
*me!!! 23:45
*type 1 at college
*alcohol dangerous at mealtime despite ADA guidlines 40:00
*how fast to lose weight, 1 pound a week etc.. 45:00
*low and high blood sugar can make tired, and thyroid 55:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 68. September 2021

*injectable glucagon for kids suck 5:30
*he also has immune deficiency 14:00
*power failure, use free-oh bag 17:00
*high blood sugars out of the blue, injecting air 18:45
*has air syringe, gets rid of vacuum 22:30
*statins save lives? help calm inflammation 26:20
*infection can raise a1c, change to a different lab,insulin pen leakage, air pressure (see 22:30), spoiled insulin, gained weight  29:00
*if allergic to insulin, can desensitize 33:00
*only well-controlled newbies are on pumps - then scar tissue 59:30


Diabetes University Teleseminar 67. August 2021

*gestational diabetes 00:00
*can't buy c-peptide, may be useful 5:00
*uti's and vaginal infections usually first, double vision 7:00
*whole chapter on gastroperisis in book 19:20
*gad antibodies 22:30
*doctor thinking kid going into dka 39:40


Diabetes University Teleseminar 66. July 2021

*ADA 15g rule for hypo - SHIT 1:10
*bulk and pebbles raise BG - 5:30
*spikes 6:30
*dialysis diet 10:15
*sglt2s may cause dka 33:30
*ADA pushing high carb 43:45
*dawn phenomenon early dinner 45:00
*pancreatic digestive enzyme 48:45
*low blood pressure at 140, high at 90 and sglt2 52:00
*his chronic kidney disease reversed when he upped his protein (can't comment on other's kidney disease) 56:30
*teplizamide delaying onset of type 1? 59:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 65. June 2021

*cgm sensor causes pain, place over fat 3:00
*glp1 antagonist agonist for carb craving bieta 5:00
*Junuvea sucks 19:00
*total carb vs claims of net carbs (net carbs suck) 21:00
*electrolytes, dehydration, and statins can cause muscle problems 25:45
*sgl2+metformin+efretza+growth hormone fast-acting nasal insulin for teens 35:40
*calcification of muscles around blood vessels and high blood pressure 50:30
*alpha blockers can lower blood pressure and urination 54:30


Diabetes University Teleseminar 64. May 2021

*Albert and the Lion
*he peed away protein, why short 14:00
*kids taller than parents 27:30
*change a lancet when it gets dull 31:30
*Novalog is 50% more potent than regular humalog 2X 34:50
*daily dose of insuling 38:00
*spots floaters in eyes 42:45
*cold drops blood sugar 45:30
*!!!hypo causes aggressive behavior!!! 53:00
*high blood sugars can improve eyesight 58:45
*avoid metformin if liver and kidney disease 1:02:45
*liquid glucose doesn't bother teeth 1:07:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 63. April 2021

*high bg bad for children's brains - studies 5:00
*novoRapid vs regular and range 12:30
*collganese+dmso for pump scar tissue? 23:00
*Propranolol, a beta blocker, inhibits adrenalin 27:30
*varapamel for saving beta cells 33:00
*lantus burns and NPH + insurance, get rid of lantus 36:30
*nph slows down R insulin 44:30
*fiber+carbs, constant meals 46:15
*sick, b12+folate depletion 52:30
*metformin for type 1 T1s + bad metformin 57:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 62. March 2021

*doesn't like sgl2 drugs, breaks down body protein 2:00
*high blood sugar+covid are a bad combo 10:00
*tired in the afternoon, low bg?, thyroid 22:00
*hot showers raise blood sugar 36:20
*sglp1 enhance saity 37:30


Diabetes University Teleseminar 61. February 2021

*LDL 140 ideal - mine 155, not a guideline 1:00
*double vision is most common complication 14:00
*overwhelming hunger 14:50
*not cholesterol but all the heart attack markers lipoprotein small a etc... 19:00
*heart calcium score 20:30
*benedril for leg cramps 43:15
*PCOS patients 47:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 60. January 2021

*eggs are good for the heart 00:30
*don't be dehydrated when taking insulin - effects delivery 12:00
*inhaled glycogon 19:15
*kidney disease+reversed 20:00
*abbott cgm worthless - no alarm 27:00
*kidney disease and protein restriction in advanced (gfr's)35:15
*Kids and low carb diet+vitamin D 43:15
*tests for infection 51:45
*article to get doc to test T3 for thyroid 55:45


Diabetes University Teleseminar 59. December 2020

*high blood sugars glucose cause brain damage 00:00
*shoulder trigger point massage diabetic shoulder capsulitis 7:45
*ADA sliding scale sucks-guarantee to have high and low BG 23:40
*sensitivity to protein - infection, loss of muscle, gastroperisis, spoiled insulins, pens suck 26:30
*fungal nails - 1/3 of patients - meds, athletes foot powder, tea tree oil, vicks vapo rub, penlac, anti-fungal pills 29:15
*statins 39:20
*afib 40:00
*varapamil to preseve honeymoon 52:00
*ratio of dmso and collagenas for claw hand 55:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 58. November 2020

*dexamex? for covid can cause diabetes 4:15
*kidney serum creatine, exercise, weight loss, fasting on day of test 5:30
*concerning pumps; he talks about kickbacks, not accounting for protein and fat, etc.. 15:15
*glucophage, metformin, fr and weight loss 18:30
*fiask insulin, rapid acting novolog+? dilates blood vessels, faster than humalog, potent as humalog, brings down elevated BG 27:50
*constipation 30:00
*thyroid med+BG 37:40
*cgm+finger sticks cgm 20-30 minutes behind BG - for warnings at night 41:30
*humalog for ADA high carb, sweet diets but for elevated and dawn phenomenon 50:45


Diabetes University Teleseminar 57. October 2020.

*recipe for liquid glucose 3:45
*exercise and liquid glucose: https://meetinnovators.com/2014/03/23/dr-richard-k-bernstein-diabetes-solution/
*high BG, humalog too fast, new insulin spoiled, syringe to pen, infection, 7:30
*somoji effect is a myth 16:15
*kids need carbs bull 19:15
*jaurdiance not recommended 21:00
*elevated B12 26:15
*different a1c, buy own 41:30
*Mastering Diabetes 43:00
*get 5.5 lower - using diluted insulin 47:20
*gastroperisis and lower stomach opening drug 51:45


Diabetes University Teleseminar 56. September 2020.

*alcohol, hypos+hypers 17:30
*c-reactive protein, infection, kidney disease 24:30
*electric buzzing, parafesia, pain 33:00
*ace inhibitors+statins, kidney disease 35:00
*marathon wall 38:15
*type 1 thinking about getting pregnant, doctor worried about B12+niacin (take supplements -probably not needed) 45:15
*gavapenton+neuropathy 50:40


Diabetes University Teleseminar 55. August 2020.

*metformin puts sugar into stool 5:15
*protein in urine 37:45
*cheap metformin (glucaphage) can upset stomach 39:45
*metformin increases longevity 55:30


Diabetes University Teleseminar 54. July 2020.

*high BG+covid bad 2:45
*no lacticacidosis from metformin 6:20
*u100 and u300 insulin differences BGs super high 8:45
*many antibodies indicate T1 - not just 2 12:40
*saturated fat 28:50
*Sambukus for flu+cold 29:20
*Glucophage+Metformin, Merck is the safest 31:45
*protein in urine, kidney disease 37:20
*company making beta cells phony 45:40
*type 3 53:00
*oral glucose tolerance test to convince doc getting spikes 54:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 53. June 2020.

*Saturated fat 3:30
*keep beta cells 13:20
*suplements, vitamin d 33:00
*shots for kids, special needle? 52:00
*sorbitol 57:20
*osteoperosis and low carb 1:06:00


Diabetes University Teleseminar 52. April 2020.

*study that shows blood sugars are dangerous2:00
*gaining weight from insulin+peeing out, allergic? 10:40
*bariatric surgery diet too hard vs. low carb 17:40
*gastroperisis and violently ill, liquid diet 21:00
*toe raises for neuropathy in leg + problem walking 28:20
*microvascular disease not caused by lows (nurse wrong) 33:30
*berberine works 40:45
*statin for non-low carb, provo statin 42:30
*ace inhibitors like lisinopril - fewer benefits 43:30
*go cold turkey with carbs + glp1s 44:30
*thyrovance potency not controlled, compounded ? T3 1:03:40


Diabetes University Teleseminar 51. March 2020.

*trial reducing lipoprotein small a 6:00
*people with high ldl live longer 12:40
*blood glucose rising during periods 23:30
*irratic bg on pump 31:00
*How to figure basal insulin 35:00
*trulicity controls hunger, but questionable value 45:30
*metobolic rescue 49:00
*tylenol affects dexcom g5 + vitamin C 50:00

Diabetes University Teleseminar 50. January 2020.

*study shows more of a chance of a hypo after a high hyper 10:20
*exercise and high blood sugar 28:40
*tandem pump+cgm 36:00
*doctors don't have time to read his book 37:45
*exercise after rising, waking up 44:20
*hypnosis for eating 47:30
*steroids raising blood sugar, prednisone 54:30
*ordinary day and diet - 2 meals! salad, smoked salmon, cream cheese, pistachios, mushrooms, avocado, guta cheese - bacon+cheese omelet+veggies, sardines, red meat at resturant, burgers+hot dogs 59:30
*dawn phenomenon - metformin, avandia, actose (actually actos) besides insulin 1:03:45


Diabetes University Teleseminar 49. December 2019.

*some people should eat red meat study 1:30
*vitamin C destroys strips etc.. 22:50
*polycistic ovarian syndrome PCOS + drug 30:40
*rash from cgm - cream, overlay pad 46:15


Diabetes University Teleseminar 48. November 2019.

*dpp4 gliptin glp1 drugs, small effect on BG, cancer 1:50
*immuno suppressants 5:30
*heart disease - fats benign 11:45
*safest time to drink alcohol is between meals 17:00
*hyperinsulin 18:00
*vitamin k2 20:00
*fetuses can suffer with BG in 6s 28:50


Diabetes University Teleseminar 47. October 2019.

*nasal glucagon by lilly - use if unconscious, otherwise liquid glucose 1:00
*keto and hypthyroidism+kids 4:30
*Jaurdance sgl2 and heart, side effects, amputations 6:00
*don't vary diet, constant - gastroperisis, mix with NPH 8:40
*try 23 (twenty three) different brands of metformin if you have to 12:00
*exercise slows digestion+gastropersis, insulin timing and meds 15:15
*overweight and rash,ankles 17:00
*dexamethazone (steroid), BG up, weight gain, congenital hyperflaxia 19:30
*EKG-RR+deep breathing,Berstein article 21:45
*brown fat diabetes drug can reverse early? 30:40
*MODY2 32:50 - 35:00
*LADA or whatever doesn't matter 35:40
*metformin for type 1s at times 37:15
*shift work 45:15
*use insulin for reversing early type 2 48:20


Diabetes University Teleseminar 46. September 2019.

*fyask insulin too fast+when to use it 11:15
*when to use glucose tablets + don't use glimepiride, use insulin 15:30
*BG lowering slowly 17:40
*birth control pills stopped one month 35:10
*Coronary Artery Calcium score CAC, there are treatments for inflammation 45:10
*DKA+Tygan 52:45
*gastropersis+drugs 54:00
*egg allergy etc... 57:20


Diabetes University Teleseminar 45. August 2019.

*nightly high to morning low 11:40
*retinopathy igf1 17:20
*rapid insulin or rapid metformin for dawn phenomenon 26:30
*substitute for ice cream 28:30
*calcification of ankle arteries a first sign of high BG 38:40
*statins 46:30
*taking rapid and slow metformin together for dawn phenomenon 52:20
*libre - no alarm cgm 57:25
*afretza nasal insulin sucks, one person uses 1:01:40


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 44. July 2019.

*extend the honeymoon period 12:50
*Januvia minimumly effect, crap 25:30
*hair loss, memory issues T3, T4 hypothroid 29:45
*temporal arteritis, blindness 36:00
*high pulse rate 43:35


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 43. June 2019.

*lyothyrin T3 hypothyroid 14:25
*BG keeps dropping at night with omnipod pump 20:00
*effects of lows 38:35
*carnivore diet 44:00
*ADA getting money from food companies 46:50


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 42. May 2019.

*metformin gets into breast milk 15:00
*birth control pills stabilize BG 17:00
*cold and insulin 19:20
*vitamin C and supplement 20:30
*heart calcium score 28:30
*relative hypo and depression, low energy, hypothroidism 31:15
*lada nothing working, allergic, use human insulins+nph+r-regular - desensitize 34:45
*hemocrotosis 40:00
*metforin and avandia for losing weight 44:45
*jardiance - dehydration, but one patient taking 47:45
*bran crackers, too much fiber 58:10
*lips numb, low blood sugar 1:00:00


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 41. March 2019.

*need 10 strips a day for beginners, then 5 or 6 3:20
*ace inhibitor 11:00
*closed loop devices 20:35
*NPH insulin 3X a day 25:00


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 40. February 2019.

*metformin for type 1 and BG flucuations + where to get glucophage 1:00
*gallbladder+fat 6:45
*vegetable fats+insulin and protein to gain weight 12:30
--protein to gain weight at 14:00
*how to find an R-R RR test for gastroparesis 19:20
*brown urine+drinking 4-5 gallons of water, see different doctors 35:30
*hair and nails not growing 55:55
*vitamin C, calcium pills, tea+kidney stones 1:00:45
*Charcoes foot 1:05:00


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 39. January 2019.

*insulin resistence 25:00
*toujeo lantus not recommended 34:00
*celiac disease, low serum iga, high a1c, immunologist 36:20
*regular insulin can coagulate 40:20
*white blood cell count coming down, thyroid T2 44:30
*frequent hypos can cause hypo unawareness 50:00
*numb neuropathy,then painful 53:10
*menstrual cycle and uncontrolled BG 55:00


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 38. December 2018.

*losing weight, adema, 1:10
*pancreatitis glp1s 9:25
*stomach cramps, diarrehia, iga 23:40
*retinopathy and weight lifting 44:30
*tradjenta sucks 51:35
*erratic heart beat, atrial fibrillation and RR test 55:45


Session 38. Protein Does Not Cause Kidney Disease, High BGL Does-Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Univ..
*Atkins - not mentioned-but this video backs up, infamous Brennen paper


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 37. November 2018.

*immuno fixation test for kidneys, protein in the blood 13:15
*omnipod pumps suck once again, big highs and lows 14:30
*blood pressure depends on individual 16:30
*rapid acting Propranolol, beta blocker, before exercise 19:30
*Avandia just behind metformin 26:00
*Apidra fast acting insulin, regular, fastest to slowest 29:55
*V8 veg juice 38:20
*neuropathic pain can last months 42:30
*his fatty liver disease 46:40
*nph allergy or insulin 51:50


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 36. October 2018.

*weight gain, pcos etc... 2:20
*ozempic, victoza (for appetite), check for rare pancreatitis glp 1 4:30
*Novolin R and Humulin R -NPHs? instead of regular UK 7:50
*Paleo diet 23:00


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 35. September 2018.

*bg blood glucose of 700 is probably a type 1 2:25
*don't inject into inner thighs 7:05
*appetite suppression 17:35
*electro stimulation for neuropathy shit 28:20
*uric acid, gout 47:55
*walking and gastropersis 53:30
*reactive hypoglycemia, Dennis?, precursor to diabetes 55:45
*statins can raise BG 1:00:30
*ryzodeg insulin is a crap concoction, hazardous 1:01:30


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 35. A1C 2018.

*Gives true A1C formula, not ADA crap


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 34. August 2018.

*Propranolol, 10mg 10 mg before exercise 6:35
*does use pens 12:05
*Menapause 19:05
*neuropathy pain 24:00
*magnesium 25:50
*hashimotos, vitamin deficiences that cause hypothyroidism 48:05
*pernicous anemia, metformin and b12 deficiency 54:10


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 33. July 2018.

*verapamil alabama trial, beta cell, beta-cell burnout 1:00
*gout 41:45


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 32. June 2018.

*PCOS + Metformin, tums+b12 3:25
*Menopause 15:00
*Domperidone gastroperisis 21:20
*book updates, closed loops, bribery 31:40
*beta blockers can raise blood sugar 44:25
*metformin+insulin+beta blocker before exercise 57:55


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 31. May 2018.

*Pediatrics journal article+New York Times, show less hypoglycemia, normal blood sugar, less DKA 2:40
*wound care, gentian violet 4:30
*stress 10:45
*diluted humalog 15:05
*kidney stones and low carb 18:10
*novolog 20:20
*Dr. Jason Fung 25:20
*afrezza nasal insulin for type 2 40:15
*Alpha Lipoic Acid 56:50
*switch rapidly to low carb unless igf1 high 1:04:40


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 30. April 2018.

*ketones in small kids 1:00
*lack of vitamins can cause neuropathy, etc.. 4:30
*have consistent meals 7:40
*low carb and hypos 25:15
*insulin for life 27:10
*ringing in the ears, vitamin deficiency 39:10
*insulin is not bad 39:30
*gain weight, gaining weight 49:00
*coconut oil for psoriasis 54:20


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 29. March 2018.

*bitter melon 2:40
*monk fruit 3:40
*depression+hopeless 5:35
*longest honeymoon phase - 27 years 9:30
*hot feet at night, neuropathy gone in a few months 11:20
*type 1 diabetics getting type 2 diabetes 15:50
*quest lab for a1c 18:45
*reglan for gastroperisis sucks, zofran+motilium(domperidone) 45:20
*ada didn't accept basal/bolus at first or glucose meters 54:45
*woman's period 56:00


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 28. February 2018.

*his frozen shoulder healing 8:05
*keto flu 11:10
*trujillo insulin hard to use 19:20
*13 years to heal gastroperisis 1:01:00
*carbs are addictive 1:04:50


Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar 28. January 2018.

*itchy skin, psoriasis, coconut oil 8:45
*drop foot 24:20
*contour next, next closest meter 47:50
*increase c-peptide, salsalate 53:00
*removal of pancreas 55:15
*teenager 57:30
*his kidney problems 59:50
