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P.S. Numbers can have a habit of putting some people to sleep, here are some that could cause insomnia (and nightmares):

Kidney Dialysis Children's Morality History:
Since 1991:   
children age 10–19, mortality due to infection – up 19%
(children age 10–19, cardiovascular mortality – up 62%)
2006 ADR pg. 1601 United States Renal Data System   (stats are two years behind)
(1991 - 2004 was a time when the for-profit Large Dialysis Organizations - DaVita and Fresenius - were buying up small dialysis clinics)

Kidney Dialysis Children's Latest Mortality Stats:
September 5, 2023 JAMA Network article
In this cohort study of 15,359 pediatric patients receiving dialysis, risk of death for those treated in profit facilities was 2-fold higher than in nonprofit facilities
(update: the costs for what's above, "the highest in the industrialized world (about $35 billion per year)"!2)

12007 Colorado State Legislature Fact Sheet
22023 M.I. Mother's Keeper Updated Fact Sheet

*Tired of it all?  Here are 9+ ways YOU, yes YOU can fight back!!!!*

Reading ListEverything from a 1 minute intro to dialysis to books with a broader view of the ill effects of monopoly power. Of special note is NYT's best-author Tom Mueller's book 'How To Make a Killing' about kidney dialysis.

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