Update 9/22/2024: Politico's Josh Sisco writes about what could be a fundamental change in Kidney Dialysis!!

Quick 1 minute start - get a near 50 year history of kidney dialysis at a glance!  Included is mortality, a quote from a doctor who received a Lifetime Achievement award, and an international comparison.  This was handed out at the Warren Buffett event in Omaha NE. 

Billionaire Information Packet - includes an executive summary taken from the 1 minute start mentioned above, stories behind the numbers, and a fact sheet presented to the Colorado State Legislation.  This was left at the administrative offices of the Warren Buffett event previously mentioned.  Warren Buffett's Berkshire owns 40% of DaVita, a huge part of a kidney dialysis duopoly, yet is only 1% of the Berkshire portfolio

A starting article: Warren Buffett: America's Folksiest Predator by Matt Stoller August 9th, 2020

Save the Billionaires (or not) Blog


*****How to Make a Killing: Blood, Death and Dollars in American Medicine ***** by Tom Mueller, out since August 1st, 2023! (aka 'Dialysis 4-You!')
This book is not just about kidney dialysis - those in favor of pro-competition capitalism should also find this eyeopening! And it should be said this site is based on what many of us have seen going on in kidney dialysis.  We have personal experience and also saw many of our friends' poor care contribute to their early demise!  LOOKING FOR A BLATANT EXAMPLE OF CORPORATE MONOPOLY POWER GONE AMUCK, THIS IS IT!!!  This site also put up a review of Tom Mueller's book.

Speaking of corporate power gone amuck, the following book reading list linked to provides a couple of intros to such things as the 'banality of evil' coined by Hannah Arendt, and to Henry Wallace who comments on the type of people who exist unfortunately in every society.  The Reading List provides a broader view of the problems of monopoly power outside of dialysis (click on the image below)

Click on the image for the 'Corporate Monopoly Power Gone Amuck Book Reading List'


Update: And it gets worse:  KIDS!!!!

Endorsement from NYT's best-selling author Tom Mueller: X Post

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