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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Other Resources
- Hits: 6034
Links to Other Resources
Dialysis Advocates has been around quite a number of years. Need help dealing with your clinic? Then this is the organization for you!
Home Dialysis Central is not only the place to go to learn more about home dialysis, but also is a great place to get many technical questions answered. Dori Schatell, a nurse, and Beth Witten, a social worker, have always been courteous and helpful.
I Hate Dialysis.com was started by a patient who went by the internet name Epoman. Unfortunately, he has passed on - God Rest His Soul. However others have carried on the tradition he started with a little tongue-in-cheek humor mixed with discussions about End Stage Renal Disease. A popular site definitely worth the visit.
Lori Hartwell has dealt with kidney disease since the age of two and founded the organization Renal Support Network to instill "instill health, happiness, and hope into the lives of fellow patients". Lori has traveled the world inspiring and educating patients, and health care professionals with talks and has written the book "Chronically Happy - Joyful Living in Spite of Chronic Illness". Below is a link to her organization's forum.