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- Written by: Super User
- Category: History
- Hits: 518
1) Quick 1 minute starter - why so many of us are upset
2) 'Save the Billionaires (or not)' Walk
3) new: 19 page 'Billionaire Information Packet'. The flyer in above number 1 was modified to be an 'Executive Summary' along with patient stories to put a human face on the numbers - plus stats at the end
4) This has been run past the court of public opinion on Senator Elizabeth Warren's subreddit without anybody finding fault - and was actually a fairly popular post!
Credentials: (DialysisEthics accomplishments)
*2000 US Senate hearings
*Verified statistics on "Dialysis Facility Compare"
*Doctors have to review charts before they can be reimbursed
*2000 and 2003 Office of Inspector General (OIG) reports on the conditions in dialysis
*2007 - Members of DialysisEthics worked for certification of hemodialysis
technicians in Colorado - bill passed, renewed in 2012 and 2019
*1999 to present - nonviolent dismissed patients returned to their
clinics or placed in other clinics or hospitals over the years
*2023 May 6th 'Save the Billionaires' Walk in Omaha Nebraska:
Members of DialysisEthics have joined forces with pro-competition capitalists (vs. monopolistic capitalists). Pro-competition capitalists will see something like kidney dialysis and realize it is infrastructure and will either stay away or work to have any centralized corporate power suppressed. Monopolistic capitalists will see a "business opportunity" where management doesn't have to work that hard and those working for a living can be taken advantage of - along with customers, and in this case patients.
Heroes of the pro-competition capitalists are New Dealers Louis Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice and advisor to President Franklin Roosevelt - along with Texas U.S. Representative Wright Patman whose long and notable career was ended in the 1970s. Both were featured in the book 'Goliath' by Matt Stoller.
Other books favored by the pro-competition capitalists are David Dayen's 'Monopolized' and former Cleveland mayor Dennis Kucinich's book 'Division of Power and Light' (it featured his struggle against a corrupt for-profit utility attempted takeover of community-owned Muni Light). This group of eyeopening books may soon be joined Tom Mueller's 'How to Make a Killing: Blood, Death, and Dollars in American Medicine', centering on the kidney dialysis field of medicine. (due out in August of 2023)
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: History
- Hits: 8308
Colorado Dialysis Technician Bill
DEO members were a major portion of a group in Colorado that helped push through a state bill for the certification of dialysis technicians in 2007 and it's renewal in 2012 and 2019. Read the story behind the 2012 effort:
Presented to Colorado State Reps: Fact_Sheet
Hear audio from the 2012 hearings:
Audio from the 2019 hearings:
Read about the 2019 truce called off with the dialysis companies in Colorado Governor Jared Polis's office. And see Kent Thiry's view of things with an interesting comment at the end of his article (see plugger July 23, 2019 post):