(This is a longer version of a post on X)

Before I start I'll mention what my civic duty has been for the last 20+ years: my background - below are links with more about that.  But lately I've felt the need to join hands with others to form the big Blue Wave coming in November!  You might have guessed which side of the fence I'm on right now (not right).  Though I have hope for the Red Storm - after the cult is smashed!

Anyway, a post was done on X by me about people who have been helpful in joining hands with others by increasing our follower counts.  The folks below provide lists of people who can be followed and should follow back.  The original post is below with new boosters being added as I run across them!  But be careful not to go over the limit of following not more than 400 people a day!  ---The rules: Following on X---  And @ByronJo34131043 suggests keeping your followers/following ratio to 0.9 or more!  Otherwise restrictions could occur! (more followers the better!)


Don't do as I've done and follow more than 400 people in a day!  (again, the rules: Following on X)
Update 09/25/2024: And as mentioned, try to keep your followers/following ration to 0.9 or more to avoid restrictions!  (more followers the better!)
New boosters:
Cause below I've been involved in for 20+ years, you might see why.  What just might be the worst example of monopoly power gone amuck.